After leaving the army, I had no desire to get a job. I felt instead that I needed a spiritual Master who could help me to consummate my love affair with Krishna. I had been sporadically successful in getting Him to appear before me, but I wanted Him all the time. Since I was unable […]
Translated Articles
Several readers of this site felt moved to translate items that they read here. Initially, I merely posted them as links alongside the original article, but their number has now grown to the point where I have now decided to start a new section that will list all the available translations. I should like to […]
Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad
In the late 1920s Lakshman Sarma had the rare privilege of having private lessons from Bhagavan. Their subject was the philosophy and practical teachings expounded by Bhagavan in Ulladu Narpadu. Lakshman Sarma subsequently summarised the essence of these lessons in two works: his Tamil commentary onUlladu Narpadu and Revelation, his expanded Sanskrit rendering of the originalUlladu Narpadu verses. In […]
Begegnungen mit Sri Ramana Maharshi, Teil Eins
Auszug Swami Madhavatirtha (1895-1960) war ein erfolgreicher Schriftsteller. Er schrieb zahlreiche Artikel über eine Vielfalt von spirituellen Themen. Im Laufe seiner langen und sehr produktiven Laufbahn verfasste er mehr als hundert Bücher in seiner Muttersprache Gujarati und einige in Englisch. Er studierte Vedanta von 1913 bis 1919, doch in den darauffolgenden Jahren zog es ihn […]
Sri Guru Ramana Prasadam
These verses come from a section entitled ‘The Rapture of the Guru’s Grace’. The nature of the Guru 417 Even as I grieved, thinking thoughts I should not think, he became my Lord, spreading his radiance within my heart so that I tasted the sweet nectar of his bliss. He is the ambrosial one who […]
Who am I?
Bhagavan’s 1926 essay, entitled ‘Who am I?’ is one of the key presentations of his teachings. This annotated translation is supplemented by additional citations from Sri Ramana’s works that elaborate on many of the points that are being presented.
Bhagavan Sri Ramana as I knew Him
This is a collection of accounts, all written in 1955, by devotees who were asked to share their experiences of being in the presence of Ramana Maharshi.
Swami Madhavatirtha
Swami Madhavatirtha Swami Madhavatirtha (1895-1960) war ein erfolgreicher Schriftsteller. Er schrieb zahlreiche Artikel über eine Vielfalt von spirituellen Themen. Im Laufe seiner langen und sehr produktiven Laufbahn verfasste er mehr als hundert Bücher in seiner Muttersprache Gujarati und einige in Englisch. Er studierte Vedanta von 1913 bis 1919, doch in den darauffolgenden Jahren zog es […]