This is the chapter from Be As You Are that explains the practice of self-enquiry. A brief explanatory introduction by the editor is followed by dialogues in which Bhagavan himself explains the method and answers questions about it put to him by visitors.
The Fire of Freedom
This is the first chapter from The Fire of Freedom. It is primarily a dialogue between Papaji and a visitor on the nature and practice of self-enquiry.
Nothing Ever Happened, Volume Three
This is a conversation taken from volume three of Nothing Ever Happpened. In it Papaji speaks about the role and function of the Guru.
Sri Ramana Darsanam
This is an extract from Sri Ramana Darsanam by Sadhu Natanananda. The author narrates
Ramana Puranam
Ramana Puranam is a poem jointly composed by Muruganar and Ramana Maharshi. This excerpt narrates how Muruganar came into contact with Bhagavan and how the two them eventually collaborated on this project.
Sorupa Saram
[Sorupananda was a powerful Tamil Guru who lived several centuries ago. His ability to silence the minds of his visitors was praised on several occasions by Ramana Maharshi. Though his chief disciple, Tattuvaraya, wrote prolifically, Sorupananda himself only wrote one small work: Sorupa Saram. Sri Ramana thought so highly of this work, he included it […]
Mostly about Books (expanded version)
About fifteen years ago I gave an interview in which I gave background information on all the books I had written. In 2014 I updated it by adding stories about all the book projects I had been involved in since the original interview was posted.