In this excerpt from Sri Ramana Darsanam Sadhu Natanananda describes events that took place in Bhagavan’s presence and then goes on to explain their inner significance.
Annamalai Swami
In this excerpt from the first chapter of Living by the Words of Bhagavan Annamalai Swami describes how he first heard of Bhagavan, how he travelled to Tiruvannamalai to meet him, and how he ended up becoming a devotee of Bhagavan.
Ramanatha Brahmachari
Ramanatha Brahmachari served Bhagavan and his devotees for many years. This is an excerpt from a chapter on him that appears in The Power of the Presence, part three.
Chhaganlal Yogi
Chhaganlal Yogi was the Ramanasramnam printer for several years. This is his account of how he heard about Sri Ramana, visited him, and ultimately ended up working on ashram projects.
Dialogues and teachings recorded by Swami Madhavatirtha
Teachings and dialogues recorded by Swami Madhavatirtha on his visit to Ramanasramam in 1944.
Bhagavan Sri Ramana as I knew Him
This is a collection of accounts, all written in 1955, by devotees who were asked to share their experiences of being in the presence of Ramana Maharshi.
In this extract from Padamalai Muruganar records Bhagavan’s teachings on the nature of individual identity.
Annamalai Swami – Final Talks
This is the first dialogue from Final Talks. In it Annamalai Swami explains the nature of the Self and the means by which one can experience it for oneself.