In this article I examine some of the statements made by both Muruganar and Ramana Maharshi that seem to equate abiding in the Self with laziness.
Arunachala Cave-Dwellers and Sadhus
This is a collection of stories about devotees who spent time living and meditating in the caves of Arunachala. It includes accounts of Swami Abhishiktananda, Narikutti Swami, Keerai Patti and Swami Ramdas.
Two Sundarammals
Accounts of two of Bhagavan’s women devotees, both called Sundarammal, who lived in Tiruvannamalai and on Arunachala in the 1920s, 30s and 40s.
Manuscripts Lost and Found
Here are some anecdotes about N. R Krishnamurti Aiyer, and about Ramanasramam texts that disappeared and occasionally resurfaced.